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  • francis-antobre-portofolio

    GC Bank

  • Technical Information
  • Languages used: JavaScript/HTML/CSS/CSS Grid
  • Software Programs used: Visual Studio/Photoshop/Illustrator/Adobe XD

  • Role: Web Designer/Graphic Designer/UI Designer
  • Client: Granville Commercial Bank
  • BCIT New Media and Web Development Certicate
  • Process

    I played many roles of this project. Granville Commercial bank is a new bank that will be opening in fall of 2018. I was part of the branding team. I created the logo and chose the colors with the client. The website is build from scratch. My process of this site was to have bold and a clean website.

    Information Archtecture - Wireframe


    I started by drawing the wireframes on paper. This process gives me the opportunity to put ideas faster. It helps to capture ideas even when when computer is not accessible. I am able to see problems earlier and correct them. I am also able to share with fellow developers who are not accessible to their desktops. I am able to have conversation and process it even when am on our breaks or outside. It also saves me some cost of money and energy.

    Low Fidelity Wireframe


    After having recognized some minor problems, I created a low fidelity copy of the wireframe. This helps to decide the layout without putting much emphasis on the colors. I am able to focus on the process rather than aesthetics.

    User Interface - Color Guide/Style Guide


    The client wanted a color that identifies their brand. I chose a green and white as it matched their colors. And I mix it with neutral colors to reduce over empowering the visitor. I created a style guide to give me consistency. It served as a guide on what needs to be included such as credibility and accessibility.

    Final - Website


    Below is the screenshot of the website. At the end the client was impressed and expects to add Back-end functions to the site in the future.